Sunday, 21 April 2013

Madelon studio render

I did another render using Artlantis today. This time I concentrated more on material and also played with the lighting settings a bit. Hopefully I can improve!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Artlantis renders

Today I downloaded Artlantis for ArchiCAD and started playing with rendering settings. I'm just a beginner obviously, but here's what I've managed to produce so far.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Mid term crit

I rearranged my previous A0s for our mid term crit and printed this- which is about 400mm longer than a standard A0 page. It is huuuge, and apparently when I was carrying it back to studio it looked like I was carrying a tube taller than I am!
Anyway, I fixed up some mistakes that were previously on my sheets, so hopefully the mid term crit goes well!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Conceptual plans

These are the 'plans' (not yet final, still conceptual) that I generated off the initial drawings in media. I am finally learning how to use Illustrator!

Initial drawings

These were the initial drawings I did for media (yes, I am very bad at updating my blog in order this year... let's just blame it on the workload, and the fact that blogging isn't actually part of design this year, I'm just doing it now for a personal record! And yes, it will annoy me later that things are out of order, but oh well haha). At the end of the lecture, we had a few minutes to look at some existing drawings, then had to draw them ourselves from memory in our tutorial. Needless to say, they turned out completely different!

Site sketches

These are the site sketches I did when we visited our sites, all in Ponsonby, a few weeks ago for media. I think for my project I will choose the one that is between two existing buildings, as working with such a gap could pose interesting.

T.E.F.S.C.A. Improvements

We took our precedent (our dwelling, in my case my apartment) and went about improving it. First, I identified the problems with T.E.F.S.C.A., then loaded the current construction materials on the Insul software to see what their STC ratings probably are. Then, I looked at the apartment in terms of organisation, and did two bubble diagrams, one for the current situation and one for the ideal situation. Looking at the ideal situation, I devised an improved plan.
Then, taking from the research I acquired from a variety of sources cited on the bottom right on the page, I added improvements to the apartment, mainly in terms of acoustics, but also in terms of comfort and socialisation. I focused mainly on material quality and details.
For our mid-term crit, I will be fixing this page up. Although I got good feedback for my presentation, there are a few things I would like to add, and a couple simple things I wish to change, e.g. some details to the plan and I need to darken some of the text for legibility purposes.

Concept model 1

For my first context model, I was looking at spider webs. What I find really interesting about spider webs is the fact that no matter what size they are, they are always functional (unless the spider is silly and builds the web in a stupid place...) they can also come in all sorts of different shapes, e.g. the Funnel Web spider makes a kind of pod like web.
The coloured strips were me just exploring different possible paths. There are an almost infinite amount of paths that can be taken throughout the web, and maybe they have different functions, or are used by different people.
I made this out of a sushi mat, rubber bands, card, PVA and spray paint. I was really thinking about junctions and connections, and their abstract nature.

T.E.F.S.C.A. Site Model

I finally brought my camera into studio and took pictures of the full site model. This shows the wee model of our apartment in context with the full building and site, including the bus stop and shops across the road.

At home with Madelon

Some more images of Madelon Vriesendorf at home in her unit for media. These are possibly not entirely finished, I still need to consult with my tutor. 

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

T.E.F.S.C.A. sections

Just a close up of the individual sections I made in the second week of my apartment, since the actual page I posted previously is quite large, and things seem small on it even when enlarged!